Maintenance of HZS60 Stationary Concrete Batching Plant

hzs60 stationary concrete batching plant
hzs60 stationary concrete batching plant

HZS60 stationary concrete batching plant is becoming more and more popular in this modern world. To choose a best and suitable concrete batching plant will be more important. Thus, timely to maintain HZS60 stationary concrete batching plant is also an important thing.

1, Solve the problem of coordination of equipment for mechanical and other factors.

2. Processing equipment repair and maintenance of two key issues

(1) Pay attention to check the quality and quantity of the leaves mixed cylinder. Leaf badly worn, stirring mix cylinder capacity will be a serious decline, affecting the production efficiency of the mixing plant.

(2) The damaged to timely repair, especially sieve the stone positions on the breakage, the mesh is too large, large particle size stones into the mix cylinder will mix cylinder blade impact whereabouts. Backward under the blade, stable soil mixing stand in the process of mixing, will impact other blades, resulting in a large area of damage of the blade, to fall off.

3, Overcome adverse raw material stable soil mixing plant productivity

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